The online training platform for the woman who wants to do it all!

You want to do it all but there is just never enough time. These online -live - Legallyfit training sessions will simplify your morning routine and ensure that your day starts off with some powerful "me-time"!

How do the workouts look?

Legallyfit Pregnancy introduction

  • The live workouts...

    These workouts are conducted twice a week on a Monday & Thursday at 5am for only 45 minutes. We train with a broom, paper plate, waterjug and much more. This program boasts of delivering results! It works, if you work it!

    Shop the live workouts 
  • Legallyfit Kickstart

    The Legallyfit Kickstart plan was developed in lockdown and it is easy to do anywhere and at any time. The 14-day plan could set the tone for your next big challenge, the 16 week plan or live workouts!

    Shop LF Kickstart 
  • The 16 week plan

    This plan is the BIG one! Commitment is required and the site will keep you accountable. The videos are in depth, explain everything and then leaves room for you to go out and challenge yourself with the routines showed. With plenty of content, eating plans and bonus videos, this plan does not dissapoint.

    Shop LF 16-week plan 
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